Martha Travels Italy
Martha is one of my best friends and also the distributor for Nicole Lee Mexico. I want to dedicate a few words to her because she's someone very special to me. Martha is a warm, inspiring person, and, above all, a woman of faith and a tireless fighter. From the beginning, when Nicole Lee wasn't yet a recognized brand, she believed in us. She started by buying samples at a trade show, believing in our potential.
To this day, Martha remains a source of inspiration for me, giving me ideas in both design and business. She's a woman who never fails to contribute, always with wisdom and caring. I often tell her she should work less and enjoy life more. I remind her that it's important to stop every now and then to admire the flowers along the way, rather than always looking relentlessly ahead.
I suggested she travel to Italy, one of my favorite places and a destination filled with beauty, because I knew she would enjoy it immensely. Although the character in the print I created may not physically resemble Martha, in my heart she will always be a beautiful woman, inside and out.
I hope these words reach her heart as a sign of all my appreciation for her.